Herbal Love

January 26, 2009 at 7:07 am 30 comments

I have been making one quart of red raspberry leaf tea every day to tone my uterus for labor…woooooo hoooo! ๐Ÿ™‚ This particular blend is from The Compleat Mother. It took me awhile to figure out the best way to make a large batch of it…but this is working perfectly for me now. I fill a tea bag with the leaves, tape it to a skewer, and let it sit for 2-4 hours. Then I put into the fridge to chill it. I tend to drink a lot more of it if it’s cold…I drink it with all of my meals and in between for refreshment.

So what’s the big deal about RRL tea? Here is why I love it so much…

Red Raspberry Leaf: the best known and quintessential herb for pregnancy. Brewed as a tea or as an infusion, it contains fragrine, an alkaloid, which gives tone to the muscles of the pelvis and uterus. The benefits of this toning action include: prevention of miscarriage and false labor, reduction of pain during and after birth, production of more effective contractions during labor and therefore a faster birth, and prevention of postpartum hemorrhage or bleeding. Red Raspberry is also an rich source of vitamins A, B complex, C, and E, as well as the minerals calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, and potassium. These nutrients make it an excellent prevention and treatment for anemia and leg cramps, as well as a beneficial remedy for the reduction of morning sickness. The high mineral content also assists in the production of breast milk. (info from Birth Junkie)

Yay for herbs!

Entry filed under: Tea.

Quick Coconut Curry Stir-Fry Homemade Pizza Night

30 Comments Add your own

  • 1. Kat  |  January 26, 2009 at 7:47 am

    mmm that stuff is so good! I’m not pregnant anymore and I still drink it! Tip: freeze some in cubes and then crush them with a hammer and you can suck on the RRLT ice chips in labor! mmmm I might do that tonight actually, so good! hahaha

  • 2. Meredith  |  January 26, 2009 at 2:26 pm

    Yeah, I’ve been taking it too. I get mine in a supplement form from Beeyoutiful.com I’m not great about drinking tea unless I’m really in the mood. More of a cold drink girl. I can really tell a difference in my monthly cycles since I’ve been taking it too.

  • 3. sara  |  January 26, 2009 at 2:33 pm

    Can you say more about why you steep it for so long? Does it make it bitter? I almost always make my raspberry tea in combination with nettles which may be where the bitter comes if I steep it for too long. I usually steep for 15 minutes, covered. Do you think the longer steep is more beneficial?

  • 4. livelightly  |  January 26, 2009 at 3:41 pm

    Meredith…I agree, I drink much more of it cold. That’s why I put in it the fridge first.

    Sara…as far as steeping times go, about 30 minutes would be recommended for “tea strength”. Anywhere from 2-8 hours would be considered “infusion strength”. I’ve read that over 8 hours makes it REALLY bitter…but up until then, it just becomes stronger in flavor. Herbs usually don’t go bitter like an actual tea leaf does (within minutes).

    In some of my research, it does say to use caution in the first trimester. Because it’s a uterine toner, it *could* cause problems if you drink mass quantities of it. You should increase over the span of your pregnancy to at least a quart in the final days.

  • 5. Stephanie  |  January 26, 2009 at 7:19 pm

    I was told not to drink it until the last month or two of your pregnancy..that drinking it too early could make you go into preterm labor…is that true?

  • 6. Our Green Nest  |  January 26, 2009 at 7:47 pm

    OHHHH yes, it’s amazing stuff! I know it truly helped me during my labor…I started drinking a couple of cups once in 2nd tri and then more in 3rd tri…the last month or so I was drinking a gallon a day! YUM!!!

  • 7. Anna  |  January 26, 2009 at 9:50 pm

    Making RRL infusions is one of my favorite rituals during my pregnancies. I also add nettles, alfalfa, spearmint, rosehips, and oatstraw to it. I liked brewing mine overnight, but I love the strong taste. Iced in summer, hot in winter. Yum!

  • 8. livelightly  |  January 26, 2009 at 9:58 pm

    Stephanie…there are some resources that will tell you not to drink it at infusion strength in the first trimester. Because it is a uterine TONER, it “can” cause contractions, spotting, etc. in women who are prone to such things already. But this is not the norm. I drank it at tea strength throughout the first tri, and then upped it in the second, and will up it again in the third. Personally, I’m comfortable with just one cup a day in the beginning, and no more. After that, I don’t seem to have any reactions. As with anything, we must listen to our own bodies and if there are any adverse effects, to stop. Consult your midwife or herbalist for more recommendations.

    Anna…I’m at the coop now, I’ll have to run down and get some spearmint to add to it. That sounds lovely ๐Ÿ™‚

  • 9. Anne Lawrie  |  January 26, 2009 at 11:22 pm

    I drank it during my last pregnancy as well. May your labor and delivery be as wonderful as mine was! Congratulations!

  • 10. Amy  |  January 27, 2009 at 12:57 pm

    I like this tea! What does the oatstraw added do as far as benefits?

    Sarah, how do you filter your water that you use for tea? What kind of filter?


  • 11. livelightly  |  January 27, 2009 at 2:34 pm

    Amy…here is a link for the oat straw:

    And for filters, I use T-Sac:

    And Finum:

  • 12. Jenn  |  January 27, 2009 at 8:35 pm

    I loved the RRL tea as well during my pregnancy. I just felt so much healthier knowing that I was doing something great for my uterus while gearing up for labor. Now, 7 months later, both Chris and I are still drinking it!

  • 13. angela  |  January 27, 2009 at 9:16 pm

    I never thought of drinking it cold. I will have to try that. I got hooked on it while I was expecting Hannah. I still drink at least 1 cup a day.

  • 14. Amy  |  January 27, 2009 at 11:05 pm

    Hi Sarah,

    That’s good to know about the tea filters. I am going to look into those! But, actually, what I was wondering is what kind of filter you use to filter the water? Carbon, reverse osmosis, etc? I’d love to hear any advice you have on water filters.

    How do you filter it (or do you at all) to make sure it’s purified? Thanks so much!

  • 15. livelightly  |  January 27, 2009 at 11:10 pm

    Oh sorry! I thought maybe that was what you meant. I don’t filter my water. Bozeman’s water tends to be pretty good and I’m just not a purist when it comes to water. I would eventually love to get a whole house system, but right now, tap water is free ๐Ÿ˜‰ and that works in our budget.

  • 16. Amy  |  January 30, 2009 at 11:19 pm

    Did you filter your water in the RV? For some reason I thought you did, but maybe I was mistaken! ๐Ÿ™‚

  • 17. Annsley  |  February 2, 2009 at 8:16 pm

    My midwife instructed me that in order to get the optimal medicinal properties from the tea you should do the following……

    Combine 1 ounce herb with boiling water in a mason jar, cover, and steep overnight (the longer the better). I just throw the loose leaf herb in the water an don’t worry about a tea bag. Then I strain the tea into another mason jar, add agave nectar to sweeten, and chill.

    I made the infusion every night and drank a full mason jar every day during both my pregnancies.

    I also recommend taking probiotics daily as well. And don’t forget prenatal yoga! I practiced yoga during both labors and it made all the difference.

  • 18. Dallass  |  February 6, 2009 at 12:54 am

    I’ve really been wanting to try RRL, but have been wary as I have problems with pre-term labor. Have you heard any reasons not to drink RRL if you have lots of problems with ptl?? Where do you get your RRL and how “fresh” does it need to be? I have some old stuff someone gave me…but I think its 3 years old!!

  • 19. livelightly  |  February 6, 2009 at 12:57 am

    Dallasss…I’ve seen several places that if you are PRONE to pre-term labor and/or complications that you might not want to take it until you are full term (36 weeks). At that point, I would just drink the full 32 oz. a day and it will still have great effects. I would probably buy new tea though…3-6 months is usually the shelf life on tea, even when it’s stored out of light/air.

  • 20. Jessica O  |  February 8, 2009 at 5:15 am

    I love RRL tea! I drank it through out my entire pregnancy and I am so happy I did! I had absolutely the ‘cleanest’ birth ever! A must in my book!

  • 21. Callie  |  February 12, 2009 at 10:42 pm

    Dallass— Red raspberry isn’t for everyone. If you already have had a history of preterm labor, I would not take it. I love herbs and natural remedies, but I have learned to use them cautiously as I would any drug, especially in regards to my pregnancies. I made the mistake of taking red raspberry during my first pregnancy because someone told me that it was safe and that I would have a great pregnancy and delivery. Shortly after I went into preterm labor at 31 weeks and had my son 9 weeks premature. It was a long, scary, expensive road to recovery. Maybe it was a coincidence, maybe it wasn’t, but I will go the rest of my life wondering if that was why. I took no herbs with my second son and delivered a beautiful, healthy baby, one week over due. In my opinion this particular herb is unnecessary for a healthy pregnancy and benefits that it may have are not worth the risks.

  • 22. Joy  |  February 13, 2009 at 3:53 pm

    Good for you, Sara for drinking RRL tea by the quart. I tried it (for two days) just a cup and could barely drink that!

    Is there a trick for making yourself like herbal tea? I’m generally a coffee kind of girl and the only tea I really like are black and chai with sugar and milk.

    Does anyone have tips for getting to like herbal tea?

  • 23. Chrissy  |  February 20, 2009 at 4:48 am

    Just a little fyi- You can purchase a metal tea ball or a tea infuser which works great. You can also purchase unbleached cotton reusable tea strainers. Just google it

  • 24. Rochelle  |  March 19, 2009 at 2:36 am

    I drank this like it was going out of style when I was pregnant with my daughter and had a great all natural labor and birth. I also would add a little dab of honey and drink it cold. I found the easiest way for me to make my quart a day was to use my french press coffee maker….just pour the boiling water over the leaves and let steep. ๐Ÿ™‚ I like your idea too though I don’t have empty tea bags. Where do you buy those?

  • 25. Carrie  |  March 19, 2009 at 11:11 am

    Congrats! I haven’t been online in a while and I didn’t know!! RRL tea is the bomb, though. I took the capsules since I really am not much of a tea drinker. I think that they helped.

  • 26. Rachel  |  April 25, 2009 at 2:57 pm

    I used RRL in my last 2 pregnancies and I definitely saw a difference! I barely bled, during labor and afterwards. It still lasted a long time (6wks) but it was super light. In both deliveries my midwives commented on how little blood there was. Im a believer!

  • 27. Sarah  |  July 24, 2009 at 8:39 pm

    Is this herbal tea only for those who are pregnant?

    • 28. Syed  |  May 21, 2012 at 3:51 am

      Green teas is most often acclaimed for many azaimng health benefits that it touts. Green tea is not only safe but also good for health and fights many diseases. Apart from fighting heart diseases, cancer, it enhances human body’s immune system. And now it is regarded as good for weight loss also. A rich type of polyphenols called catechins that is present in green tea helps in fighting fat accumulation and cholesterol levels in the body. You can try green tea and lots of varieties are available in the market. Choose your own flavor.

  • 29. livelightly  |  July 24, 2009 at 8:47 pm

    Sarah…no, it’s really high in good stuff for everyone. In addition to being a uterine toner, it contains vitamins A, B, and E, as well as calcium, phosphorous, iron, and an acid neutralizer.

  • 30. dustin  |  January 22, 2010 at 10:29 pm


    How much tea do (did) you use per quart of water? I see people saying an ounce, but that is a lot of leaves! Could they possibly mean fluid ounce which would only be 2 TBLS?

    Thanks! dustin


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